Betty Baker's Best Easter Eggs
2 lbs 10x sugar (aka powdered sugar)
1/2 lb butter/margarine (1 stick/ 8 T)
1 1/2 T canned milk (condensed milk)
1 t vanilla
Mix milk and vanilla together. Set aside.
Kneed sugar and softened butter together with your hands gradually adding in the milk mixture.
Do this for about 1/2 hour until the mixture has a satin gloss.
Form into bite sized egg shapes.
Cover with wax paper and cool in refrigerator for 24 hours before dipping
Chocolate Icing
1 Box un-sweet Chocolate (8 oz box of Baker's Unsweeted Chocolate)
Melt in double boiler with 3 T melted paraffin.
Dip eggs using a 2 pronged meat fork.
Cool on wax paper.